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الرئيسيةLinux Mint Daryna Main Edition I_icon_mini_portalأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول


 Linux Mint Daryna Main Edition

اذهب الى الأسفل 
2 مشترك
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Linux Mint Daryna Main Edition Default5

عدد الرسائل : 155
ترحيب : <!--- MySMS By AlBa7ar Semauae.com --><form method="POST" action="--WEBBOT-SELF--"> <!--webbot bot="SaveResults" u-file="fpweb:///_private/form_results.csv" s-format="TEXT/CSV" s-label-fields="TRUE" --><fieldset style="padding: 2; width:208; height:104"> <legend><b>My SMS</b></legend> <marquee onmouseover="this.stop()" onmouseout="this.start()" direction="up" scrolldelay="2" scrollamount="1" style="text-align: center; font-family: Tahoma; " height="78"> مرحب بك فىمنتــــــــــ MyEgY ــــــــــديات </marquee></fieldset></form><!--- MySMS By AlBa7ar Semauae.com -->
تاريخ التسجيل : 24/03/2008

Linux Mint Daryna Main Edition Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Linux Mint Daryna Main Edition   Linux Mint Daryna Main Edition Emptyالخميس أكتوبر 30, 2008 6:20 pm

Linux Mint Daryna Main Edition

Linux Mint Daryna Main Edition Mh9fmv

This is Linux Mint 4.0, codename Daryna, based on
Celena and compatible with Ubuntu Gutsy and its repositories.
Daryna is using Gutsy's package base (kernel 2.6.22,
Gnome 2.20, OpenOffice 2.3, Thunderbird 2.0...etc).
What's new in Daryna
1. mintUpdate

With mintUpdate you can now get automatic updates without compromising the stability of your system. Updates are assigned a security level which indicates how safe they are for you to apply. MintUpdate also brings you more information about the updates and the risks involved in applying them.

MintUpdate is also highly configurable and you decide which levels you want to see and which you want selected by default.

The implementation of mintUpdate in Daryna follows the decision to remove the Ubuntu Update Manager in Celena because it didn't give enough information about updates and assumed all updates were without risk for the user's system.
2. mintInstall & the Software Portal

MintInstall and the Software Portal were already available in Cassandra and Celena. Even though they were better alternatives than Click'n'Run, APTURL, PBIDir or the new SUSE initiative they failed to be noticed both by the press and by our own community. We asked ourselves why and came to the conclusion that their presence had not been made obvious enough. In Daryna, you can now interact with mintInstall without starting from the Portal. A link was added directly in the menu:

And a new frontend to mintInstall now allows you to search the portal directly from your desktop:

mintInstall itself was also made more intuitive and improvements were made to its interface.

In the backend, mintInstall now also relies on Synaptic and brings improvements on how it handles downloads/installations of packages and hotplugging of repositories.

A lot of popular software is already available for Daryna, for instance:

* Opera
* Google Earth
* Skype

Visit the Software Portal and don't hesitate to use the forums to request any piece of software you would like to see added.
3. mintDesktop improvements

mintDesktop got major improvements in terms of usability and now has an extra-feature which lets you restore the default splash-screens coming with Linux Mint for OpenOffice, Gimp and Amarok:
4. Liberation Fonts

Linux Mint now includes the Red Hat Liberation Fonts, consisting of three sets of fonts: Sans (a substitute for Arial, Albany, Helvetica, Nimbus Sans L, and Bitstream Vera Sans), Serif (a substitute for Times New Roman, Thorndale, Nimbus Roman, and Bitstream Vera Serif) and Mono (a substitute for Courier New, Cumberland, Courier, Nimbus Mono L, and Bitstream Vera Sans Mono).

Many thanks to Red Hat for making these fonts.
5. Compiz Fusion

Credits go to Xorg, Compiz Fusion and Ubuntu for bringing us the best 3D effects available and activated out of the box in Daryna.
6. Upstream improvements

* Improvements made in Linux Mint 3.1 Celena
* Upstream improvements in Gnome 2.20
* Upstream improvements in Ubuntu 7.10
* Upstream improvements in the Linux kernel 2.6.22

7. New repository structure

Linux Mint is now using pinning between its own repositories and Ubuntu/Medibuntu repositories.

Packages are now organized in a modular way which allows users to select how they pin between the two distributions:

* Main: Packages being developed by Linux Mint. (example: mintinstall)
* Community: Packages being developed by the Linux Mint Community. (example: sunbird-mint)
* Upstream: Ubuntu packages patched by Linux Mint. (example: firefox)
* Import: Packages coming from 3rd party sources. (example: envy)
* Backport: To allow optional backports for older releases.

What makes Daryna ideal for the desktop?

* Out of the box multimedia support
* Microsoft Windows Integration (Dual-boot, NTFS read/write support, Migration Assistant)
* One-Click install system (Linux Mint Software Portal, mintInstall)
* Easy file-sharing (mintUpload)
* Desktop features, Control Center, mintMenu
* 3D Effects
* Great configuration tools
* Great selection of default applications (OpenOffice, Firefox, Thunderbird, Gimp, Pidgin, XChat, Amarok..etc)
* Solid package base (Google Earth, Picasa, Skype.. a lot of important software present in the repositories or in the Linux Mint Software Portal, compatibility with all Ubuntu Gutsy repositories and most Debian packages)

Known issues in Daryna

* On computers with Dell Recovery Partitions: Manual Install might not work in the liveCD installer. To fix this issue: "apt purge ubiquity; apt clean; apt install ubiquity" then perform the installation and restore the sources.list from the liveCD to the installed system.
* On some hardware with ATI/nVidia cards: If the liveCD boots all the way to Gnome but hangs and just shows the mouse pointer and eventually the wallpaper, restart the liveCD, press F6 and change the options "quiet splash --" with "nosplash noapic noacpi --".


رابط مباشر
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
mahmoud elsaeed

Linux Mint Daryna Main Edition Default2
mahmoud elsaeed

عدد الرسائل : 4
العمر : 33
البلد : المنصورة وستة اكتوبر وكل حته
ترحيب :

مرحب بك فى
منتــــــــــ MyEgY ــــــــــديات

تاريخ التسجيل : 04/02/2009

Linux Mint Daryna Main Edition Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Linux Mint Daryna Main Edition   Linux Mint Daryna Main Edition Emptyالأربعاء فبراير 04, 2009 7:58 pm

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